Early Intervention Program for Adolescent Mothers Meets HHS Criteria

Implementation support is not currently available for the model as reviewed.

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2011

Effects shown in research

Family economic self-sufficiency

Findings rated high

Early Intervention Program for Adolescent Mothers
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Positive education outcome
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
6 weeks postpartum San Bernardino sample 121 mothers Not available Not available Not reported Not available Statistically significant, p < 0.009
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Statistical significance is based on the results of the authors’ analysis using a chi-square test.
Positive education transitions
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
6 weeks postpartum San Bernardino sample 121 mothers Not available Not available Not reported Not available Statistically significant, p =0.02
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Statistical significance is based on the results of the authors’ analysis using a chi-square test.
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